Zoeken met afbeeldingen: Bohlender
Ander labomateriaal

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2Artikelen als: BOLA Scrubber Columns, 500 ml FEP/PTFE BOLA Scrubber Columns Tall, slim... details BOLA Connectors for Sampling Bags, Ø 6 mm Connection with tube made of PTFE... details BOLA Connectors for Sampling Bags, Ø 6 mm Stopcock with tube made of PTFE... details BOLA Thermometer Holders, NS 29/32 Ø 8 mm PTFE, with SAFE LAB-system BOLA... details BOLA Links, NS 29/32 NS 29/32 PTFE, with SAFE LAB-system BOLA Links For... details BOLA Flat Flange Joining Pieces, NW 170 / 146 170 / 146 BOLA Flat Flange... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Hose Connectors (without Nut), GL 14 with elastic PFA gasket including... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Hose Connectors (without Nut), GL 14 with elastic PFA gasket including... details 3Artikelen als: BOLA Reducing Tubing Connectors, Ø 1 6,8 mm Ø 2 4,5 mm PTFE BOLA Reducing... details BOLA Tubing Connectors Cross, Ø 11 mm PTFE BOLA Tubing Connectors Cross... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Tubing Connectors T, Ø 11 mm PTFE BOLA Tubing Connectors T T-shaped... details 6Artikelen als: BOLA Screw-In Tubing Connectors, NPT 1/8" Ø 4,5 mm PTFE BOLA Screw-In Tubing... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Tubing Connectors Elbow, Ø 4,5 mm PTFE BOLA Tubing Connectors Elbow... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Tubing Connectors, Ø 4,5 mm PTFE BOLA Tubing Connectors Straight fitting... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Tubing Connectors Y, Ø 4,5 mm PTFE BOLA Tubing Connectors Y Y-shaped... details 3Artikelen als: BOLA Hose Connectors (without Nut), GL 14, Ø 9 mm POLYPROPYLENE (PP) type:... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Hose Connectors (without Nut), GL 14, Ø 9 mm POLYPPROPYLENE (PP) type:... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Fork Wrench, GL14/SW17 GL18/SW22 GL25/SW27 made of PA/Glass-Fibre max.t... details BOLA Ring Wrench, L 200 mm, I-Ø 78 mm To open and close the BOLA Distributors... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Ground Joint GL Adaptors, GL 45, NS 29/32 (w) Ground joint socket NS... details BOLA Leading-in for sensors, GL 45, Ø 12 mm (+/-0,5 mm) PTFE/PPS BOLA... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Ground Joint GL Adaptors, GLS 80, NS 29/32 (w) Ground joint socket NS... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Barrel-GL-Adaptors, GL 45 / G2" Max. bore dia. 32 mm BOLA... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Barrel-GL-Adaptors, GL 45 / G2" Max. bore dia. 32 mm BOLA... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA GL Funnels, GL 25 - GL 25 Leading-in pipe Ø 15 x Ø 12 mm BOLA GL Funnels... details BOLA GL Funnels, NS 29/32 Screw cap GL 32 made of PPS and leading-in pipe Ø... details BOLA Tube holders, Ø 1,6 / 3,2 mm Replacement tube holder for tubing O.D. 1,6... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Stoppers, NS 14/23 PTFE, hexagonal grip BOLA Stoppers Made of PTFE, with... details 5Artikelen als: BOLA O-Rings for Laboratory Flat Flanges, NW 60 (iØ 75 x t 4 mm) with... details BOLA Ground Joint Reducing Set, NS 14,5 - NS 60 Graduations: 14,5 - 18,8 - 24... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Screws with Countersunk, M 4 x 30 mm PTFE BOLA Screws with Countersunk... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Washers, M4, a Ø 9 x i Ø 4,3 x H 0,9 mm packing unit: 10 pieces BOLA... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Screws with Cylindrical Head, M 4 x 30 mm PTFE BOLA Screws with... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Hexagon Nuts, M 4 PTFE BOLA Hexagon Nuts Similar to DIN 934 / DIN EN ISO... details 3Artikelen als: BOLA Dipper Vessels, Ø 38 x H 60 mm 29 bores dia. 6 mm, vessel ID 35 mm,... details b.safe Starter Box A, GL 45 Scope of delivery: 3 ea. b.safe Caps GL 45 with 1... details b.safe Starter Box B, GL 45 Scope of delivery: 4 ea. b.safe Cap GL 45 with 2... details b.safe Starter Box C, GL 45 Scope of delivery: 4 ea. b.safe Cap GL 45 with 3... details 3Artikelen als: BOLA Gas Inlet Tubes, L 200 mm, Ø 10 mm M 8 x 1 mm, Ø hose connector 9 mm,... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Filtering Rods, 5 µm Ø ca. 28 x L=100 mm Porous PTFE BOLA Filtering Rods... details BOLA Dirt trap, GL 18 for filtering disc dia. 25 mm, bore dia. 8 mm BOLA Dirt... details 14Artikelen als: BOLA Sheets, L 1000 x B 600 x H 1,5 mm PTFE BOLA Sheets Delivered in rolls... details 8Artikelen als: BOLA Tiles, L 300 x B 300 x H 2 mm virgin PTFE BOLA Tiles Standard sizes with... details 5Artikelen als: BOLA Set for Pressure Compensation, GL 14 screw cap made of PPS, PTFE/Silicon... details 10Artikelen als: BOLA Rods, Ø ca. 6 mm virgin PTFE BOLA Rods Virginal rods for further... details 6Artikelen als: BOLA Sheets, 1000 x 150 x 0,025 mm FEP BOLA Sheets Transparent, gastight and... details 2Artikelen als: SICCO Desiccant, 500 ml = ca. 360 g with colour-indicator, colour changes... details SICCO Desiccant Cylinder, 108 x 150 mm Capacity 750 g SICCO Desiccant... details SICCO Desiccant, 23 g jar with 23 grammes of silica gel with... details
Ander laboratoriummeubilair

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SICCO Glove Box Antistatic with Transfer Chamber, B 1210 mm x H 700 mm x T... details
Andere laboratoriumuitrustingen

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BOLA Tubing Cutter, a Ø 28 mm For cutting tubing up to a diameter of 28mm.... details BOLA Replacement blades, a Ø 28 mm for house and tubing cutter BOLA... details SICCO Glove Box with Transfer Chamber, B 1210 mm x H 700 mm x T 600 mm... details SICCO Glove Box, B 890 mm x H 700 mm x T 600 mm Aluminium frame with panels... details

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2Artikelen als: BOLA Propeller Blades, Ø 8 mm a Ø 75 mm for stainless steel shafts jacketed... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Maxi Propeller Blades, Ø 10 mm a Ø 140 mm for stainless steel shafts... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Moon-Shaped Blades, Ø 8 mm a Ø 65 mm for PTFE-jacketed stirrer shafts or... details 4Artikelen als: BOLA Fan-Shaped Stirrer Shafts, L 300 mm Ø 8 mm aØ 24 mm PTFE-coated STAINLES... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Double Impulse Stirrer Shafts, L 600 mm, Ø 10 mm, aØ 140 mm Stirring... details 7Artikelen als: BOLA Moon-Shaped Stirrer Blades, 50x18x3mm Ø 10mm 100ml PTFE, with long-groov... details 11Artikelen als: BOLA Moon-Shaped Stirrer Blades, 50x18x3 mm Ø 8,5 mm 100 ml PTFE double long-... details 3Artikelen als: BOLA Moon-Shaped Stirrer Blades, 50x24x3 mm Ø 5,8 mm 100 ml PTFE, angular lon... details 3Artikelen als: BOLA Impeller Blades, Ø 10 mm a Ø 60 mm for stainless steel shafts jacketed... details 8Artikelen als: BOLA U-Shaped Blades, Ø 8 mm a Ø 60x40x25x30 mm for stainless steel shafts... details 5Artikelen als: BOLA Paddle, Ø 8 mm a Ø 80 x 18 mm for stainless steel shafts jacketed with... details 6Artikelen als: BOLA Propeller with 4 blades, Ø 8 mm a Ø 50 mm for stainless steel shafts... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Slip-On Baffle, L 120 x B 15 mm PTFE, for shaft dia. 8 mm and ground... details
Centrifugaal roerders, roerstaven

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6Artikelen als: BOLA Centrifugal Stirrer Shafts, L 350 mm Ø 6 mm aØ 50 mm PTFE-coated STAINLE... details 3Artikelen als: BOLA Centrifugal Stirrer Blades, NS 24/29 aØ 50 mm PTFE BOLA Centrifugal... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Bolts and Clamp Rings, Ø 6 mm L 12 mm Ø 6,5 mm PTFE, double long-groove... details 2Artikelen als: BOLA Bolts and Clamp Rings, Ø 8 mm L 12 mm Ø 8,5 mm PTFE, double long-groove... details

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Destillatie adapters, allonges

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destillatie opzetstukken

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Dozen, potten

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Draadklemmen voor NS slijpstukken

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Druppeltrechters, doseertrechters

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Exsiccator platen

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Fittings, koppelingen

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Gaswasflessen, wasflessen

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Genormaliseerde conische stoppen

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Geslepen stoppen, slijpstuk stoppen

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Groot isoleervat, dewarvat voor vloeibare stikstof

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Kogelslijpstukken (bolvormig)

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KPG-roerders, KPG roerstaven

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Laboratorium thermometers

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Lagerhulzen , KPG hulzen

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Liebigkoelers, koelers volgens West

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Maatbekers, maatkannen

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Magneetroerstaafjes, magneetroerstaven

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NS slijpstukken (conisch)

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Onderdelen voor laboratoriumtoestellen

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Opneemstaven voor magneetroerstaafjes

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Overgangsstukken (NS slijpstuk)

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Propellor roerders, roerstaven met propeller

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Reactievaten met vlakke flens

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Reageerbuizen, proefbuizen

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Roerasafdichtingen, roerkoppen

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Roerkoppelingen, koppelingen voor roerstaaf, roerders

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Roerstaven met blad, roerders met lateraal blad

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Roerstaven, roerders met schoepen (blad)

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Schrapers, wissers

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Schroefdoppen, schroefkappen

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Slijpstuk manchetten

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Slijpstukklemmen voor NS slijpstukken

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Soxhlet extractoren, extractors

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Steriele filtratieapparaten

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Terugslagventielen, terugslagkleppen

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Toebehoren voor chromatografie

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Toebehoren voor exsiccatoren

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Vacuüm filtratieapparaten

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Vacuümdroogstoven, vacuümdroogkasten

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Zeefplaten voor buchner trechters

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zonder klasse toewijzing

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